What are Signals?

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Reaction to outside forces

How to listen for events?

Calls from inside the house

  • Some other part of the async runtime wakes us
  • For example: channels!
let (tx, rx) = async_channel::bounded(2);

smol::spawn(async move {
    let d = rx.recv().await;
    println!("Data: {}", d);

tx.send("Hello World!".to_owned()).await;

Calls from outside the house

  • The Kernel would like your attention
  • Any external resource (library, filesystem, socket, …)
  • Use blocking threads to wait for signals!

Blocking threads

  • Not to be confused with tokio::task::spawn_blocking !
  • Spawn a thread and handle external I/O
  • Provide a Waker to any relevant tasks
  • Map blocking I/O to async wake signal


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