That's it. That's really all there is to it
Using an actor framework will reduce boilerplate in your code! Some frameworks exist already!
use actix::{Actor, Handler, Context, System};
struct Calculator;
impl Actor for Calculator {
type Context = Context<Self>;
#[rtype(result = "usize")]
struct Sum(usize, usize);
impl Handler<Sum> for Calculator {
type Result = usize;
fn handle(&mut self, msg: Sum, ctx: &mut Context) -> Self::Result {
msg.0 + msg.1
async fn main() {
let addr = Calculator.start();
let res = addr.send(Sum(10, 5)).await;
println!("Result: {:?}", res);
use ockam::{Context, Message, Worker, access_control::AllowAll, Routed};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Message)]
struct SumMessage(usize, usize);
struct SumWorker;
impl Worker for SumWorker {
type Context = Context;
type Message = SumMessage;
async fn handle_message(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, msg: Routed<SumMessage>) -> Result<()> {
ctx.send(msg.return_route(), (msg.0 + msg.1) as u64).await
async fn main(mut ctx: Context) -> Result<()> {
ctx.start_worker("sum", SumWorker, AllowAll, AllowAll).await?;
ctx.send("sum", SumMessage(2, 4)).await?;
// Wait to receive a reply and print it.
let reply = ctx.receive::<u64>().await?;
println!("Sum: {}", reply); // should print "6"
// Shut down everything
Very much not done.